Depression and as a result, alcohol... and as a result,

Depression and as a result, alcohol... and as a result, depression... and so on and so on


What’s your spiritual relationship like?

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I always used to think of myself as a spiritual person but I feel now I've been just kidding myself... I'm not a religious person, and I DO have spiritual beliefs. But the practice of spirituality has evaded me. It doesn't help now that feel hollow after my relationship of four years just ended. So now it's just my son (4) and I. He's the biggest reason for why I need to move forward...


Hey James yeah that's a vicious cycle I know all too well. Check out Alan Carr's quit drinking without willpower; reading it helped me break out.

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Chicken or the egg debate with alcohol and depression. I've never been able to tell which came first, just to do everything to avoid either. Good luck sir

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I now realize I drank because I had long term chronic depression.
Now that I am sober I have nothing to mask it and I am very depressed.
But I still won’t drink. Half the reason I’m sad is because of the mistakes I’ve made through the years.
I don’t know what I can do.
But at least I’m not drinking.


That’s my story too but you can heal and recover… have you tried a therapist and/or psychiatrist? They’ve helped me tremendously and so has AA. :pray:t3:

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I'm looking at trying to get into some sort of counseling. I'm just trying to figure how to access EAP through my work to cover it as it can be expensive. I'm also looking at going back into AA for a support system.


Thanks, I'll do that

That would be the best thing you do. Go to counseling and hopefully they can get you on detox meds and craving meds. That’s the only way I was able to do it. Today I have 38 months and everything is better relationships financial stability and hope. You will be so happy when you get a support team.

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James, depression is a disease just like diabetes it can be treated. It can also be exacerbated by alcohol. Seek medical help for depression and therapy. After a period of sobriety and treatment you will feel better. Seek out support when needed. You don’t know me, but I am here if you need a friend. We are brethren in addiction which in a messed up way makes us family.

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I appreciate that man, thanks :pray: