Depression Anxiety and Stress

All I do is drink? I need help


I don't know how far your disease has progressed, but if it's to the point of physical dependency, you're going to need inpatient care followed by a lifetime of counseling and recovery activities. It's tough at first but gradually gets easier over time.

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So sorry, but you can do it. I know it seems impossible, but I drank every day for 30 years. I was afraid I couldn't drop it either. Everyone say get to an AA meeting, reach out for help. Being willing to ask for help is important.

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Not everyone needs hospitals and lifetimes of counseling no matter what stage you're at. It depends on your will. No matter what amount of will you have left, you can always turn around and start stepping back up the stairs to oblivion. Look for a light and you will find one.

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I will try go to meetings. Find your tribe get a sponsor, even if the meetings are online.

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I agree with the others no matter how uncomfortable it makes you bc I was super uncomfortable at my first meeting. There are people there that have been where you’re at and can help you. It really puts things into perspective, things you can relate to. They are there to help themselves as well as to help others just like you and me. Don’t give up on yourself. You deserve to be free from the chains of alcoholism.

GO to meetings get a sponsor!! reach out to people talk to people before and after the meeting I go to 2 to 3 meetings a day I talk to my sponsor every day I have to otherwise I will drink also, chase your sobriety like you used to chase the :cup_with_straw: DRINK :cup_with_straw:

There's a way out.
Mine took an IOP and 2 separate inpatient stints. Not everyone needs treatment but I did. Once you are out of that horrific cycle you can start living deliberately and in ways that support your recovery

Do you want to stop?

If you want to stop, you can. Detox may be necessary first but next is up to you. There are different paths to being sober. Look at what is right in front of you and don't worry about the future. Do something to help yourself today. When tomorrow comes, do something about it then. You will find a lot of good support here.