Depression for no reason

I’ve hit such a dead spot in my life.

My friends are my work friends and that’s it. No outside hangouts.

Live in a very rural area so not much to do

My last post you can tell I’m a nerd and if I’m not working I’m home reading books or working

Idk feeling lost helpless and don’t feel like being here anymore.

Worst things about being sober is that I’ve never been so into my feelings like I have been now. It’s a good and a bad thing.

Hate the mental warfare that seems to always go off in my head at all times.


Annie Grace can help you with the mental warfare. You probably still have cognitive dissonance :roll_eyes:. Look up her books called This Naked Mind & The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment. She great!!! I’m sorry about how you are feeling! I also have the This Naked Mind Companion app on my phone & it’s free. I borrowed Annie Grace’s books from the library. She has a technique called ACT which stands for Awareness, Clarity & Turnaround. It can help you. And perhaps you could think about moving to a less rural place??. Sorry again & hope you feel better soon. Maybe talk to a therapist? Good luck :purple_heart:


Being alone in our own thoughts are not necessarily a bad thing, the right people places and the will come along, trust me. I’ve been sober for 12yrs, and I have had many come and go. And some I miss and some I don’t. But when I really look back on it, it was all for the best the ones that are gone, cause they either relapsed, caused destruction, or were not right for my hula hoop. We can only be in control of what is in front of us and at times it sucks cause that might just be where we are standing! But you have us hun, we will always be here for you. :pray:


I’ll check those books out and thank you for the response.

I really appreciate your advice.

Just had bad experiences in therapy in the past. VA doesn’t care about you. I’m treated as a number.

I have this issue thinking therapist are some college person who’s never dealt with any trauma that I’ve experienced.

So I need to change my outlook and approach

Oh believe me there are some therapists who have pretty messed up lives & trauma. That’s what makes some of them want to become therapists. To help people prevent what they have gone through. My neighbor became a therapist after she divorced her husband because she was in love with a priest!! The priest refused to leave the church. Two of her 3 adopted children were messed up (one heavily into drugs). So, she became a therapist to help others. It’s just a matter of finding the right fit & who is good for you & your personality. I’m sorry that I didn’t realize until later that you have been sober for 6 years. Great job!!! Annie can still help with maintenance though

Sassy it’s really hard

At times it is, but you are doing it. And you are a miracle in the making and I am here if you ever need someone to talk or vent to. Sometimes people suck, sometimes we are our own best friends. 🫶


I would recommend a hobby, besides reading of course. Like an activity, for example, I like to do puzzles. I also play video games. Sometimes I’ll go for a run or to the gym. I’ve heard meditation is also very helpful, haven’t tried it just yet. I’m in the same boat as you, same ideals on therapy. I went through numerous therapists until I found the right one. Therapists have therapists cause they’re human like you and I!

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Super relatable having no life outside of work sucks I can’t really hang out with any of my old friends because they aren’t good for my sobriety

Same! This Named mind and the Companion app have been a life saver for me


Text me on signal
I don’t know, I can’t reply messages on here again :sob:

Bye Logan

I don’t know if I’ll open another account on here. I’m not welcomed
You know where to reach me