Depression is a b

My depression is really bad lately I seem to can't do anything right I've been in recovery for almost 7 years but I feel like I'm still in the early ages of recovery my depression has been really bad I don't know what to do with it anymore I feel like everybody would be out better without me but I know that's not the answer so I come to you guys ask you what do you do when you're depressed what are some ways that get you out of your head I'm having trouble sleeping eating I'll be above I just want this pain to go away and frustration that I have and I'm going through a divorce so I think that has a lot to do with it I've been with this man for 20 years in the last 6 months this man has doesn't talk to me anymore only time he talks to me is to yell at me about what I always do wrong I can't seem to please anybody I'm always in the wrong


Well, Rita, I know where you're coming from. Me and my wife of 28 years are living in separate bedrooms. But like you, I was making a lot of mistakes and being forgetful. Cause right now we are roommates but that's OK cause we need each other financially cause it's to much trouble other wise. I've been sober since Oct 21 2015 by God's grace :crown: :pray:. And I live with traumatic brain injury, ptsd, and anxiety and depression. So trust in God and he will get you through.

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@rita230733 don't give up hope.

Sometimes we need medication to help us with this. Think about seeing a psychiatrist. The rest usually follows when we get the help we need.

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Don't isolate Rita. It's good that you're reaching out to us, but get support from your local recovery community. Hopefully you have sober support there. Praying helps me also. Be open to getting therapy or counseling. Anything is better than trying to get by on our own. You're in my prayers

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Rita, I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Divorce and depression can be so hard, but you don’t have to carry it all by yourself. Have you been able to talk to anyone about how you’re feeling? We’re here for you.

Rita I know this might sound like a brief statement but you have to be happy with yourself first before you can worry about how others accept you. When you’re going through recovery you have to be really selfish and worry about how you feel about yourself.

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm”

I hope this somewhat helps.

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Put your foot down, woman! He may need a shaking!

I feel your pain Rita.
Share, share, share.
I too am feeling a lot of weight these days.
I remind myself to be grateful everyday for something - even the little things are a blessing.
Mostly, reaching out to friends or the community help relieve the anxiety of being alone against this.

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If you take meds, then stop. I finally stopped and was able to get off the couch and live!!!! They were making me depressed. Motherwart or st. Johns wart is all we need

Depression truly is a mf'er and can seem to come out of nowhere at times.

Far as having 7 yrs in recovery and still feeling brand new, I get that too. I've only been in recovery 3.5yrs or so BUT way too long to be feeling like I'm day one at times.

Making sure I do my daily gratitudes and working the 12th step help me to keep the bad days down to a minimum. Loving myself (i.e. diet, exercise, meetings ,yoga) daily are a few things I do to take care of self and at least stay sober despite the depression.

Hope this helps. Remember this feeling is only temporary and will soon pass.

Call me anytime you’re not alone.