Detoxed at home for 3 days. Woke up today

Detoxed at home for 3 days. Woke up today with significant emotional distress. Relapsed. Drinking now. Feeling crushed and scared. What should I do?


Go to a meeting. You can't do it alone

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Trying to go to one tonite. If I’m not drunk already

Relapses are learning experiences, ( ask yourself why did you relapse) from what I've seen in rehab alcohol can be very difficult to detox from without medical help , try a detox center in your town if you have one. You made it 3 days and that's amazing :clap: next time try to go 4 days, every day sober is an accomplishment !! I know it sounds hard but when I was trying to get sober last year I gave my mum all forms that I could buy my DOC, bank card credit cards and if I needed to pay a bill she sent me the money and watched me pay my bill on my app amd I also gave her my ID as I could go to the bank and get a new bank card

When your ready, you'll accomplish sobriety, this time you just weren't ready and that's ok!! It took me 3 years to finally say enough is enough


Being ready isn’t the only thing standing in people’s way. I’ve been ready. Been sick AF and incapable of working on anything in my life for over 20 years. It’s severe mental illness and trauma that makes this almost impossible. Not everyone has the same struggles in sobriety. To say one just needs to be ready is way too simplistic. Just sayin


It sounds like treatment may be necessary, somewhere to detox and address your mental ilness and deal with past traumas. I did a 30 day that changed my life


Go read proverbs in the Bible. If you read it enough it will change you from the inside out I promise brother, Jesus loves you and wants the best for you.

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If you are unable to join a meeting in person tonight you could join one online and just listen. There is an app that you can download called “Meeting Guide” (blue app with chair pictured) where you can find local meetings in your area along with meetings online. Journaling could really help as well just to get your emotions out there. It’s also good for reflection. On your bad days, you could go back and read about the good days you had as a reminder to why you should remain on your path as well to remind you how horrible you felt when you were drinking. Give yourself grace and just take it day by day, you got this! 


What you're describing isn't unique, it sounds like the reasons many, many of us had for drinking. Whether you go to meetings or detox or church or whatever program you cannot and will not recover on your own, that really is the bottom line. I suggest AA, it's not foe everyone, but it's helped millions of us recover from the hopelessness and destruction of our disease.


Christian I’m sorry to hear you relapse again. But going to a detox and having them do it the right way there is no harm in that. Is OK to ask for help and get the help you need.

Please if you can try to find a detox to go to. 

You’ll figure it out when being sober is more important than anything else. Nobody’s gonna coddle you along while you wallow in your mess. If you want help, go get some.

I wasn't stating that's the only thing just that it's a part of it. Was trying to give some kind words


You made it 3 days and that's amazing !! Remember just for today I do not have to drink/use

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Try again tomorrow. Don't give upđź’Ş

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Doing alone sucks! I got help! Went to 3 meetings daily for quite some time. Especially early morning meetings really helped.

Good morning Christian how are you doing today brother???

Went thru an emotional crisis yesterday so trying to recover. I see my therapist today. Hoping to get to a meeting soon.

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Your comment is very inconsiderate as one does not know how difficult it is finding help for borderline personality disorder and addiction. I’ve been trying for over 20 years now. It’s not easy when you are on Medicare and can’t work or afford specialists. I’ve been to inpatient facilities. I’ve done therapy. It just hasn’t worked. Regular rehab probably won’t help someone like me unless underlying symptoms are dealt with as well.

That’s awesome brother I’m glad to hear you have a therapist. That means you’re not totally alone. We are here for you if you need us I have you in my prayers.