Detoxing from alcohol

Detoxing from alcohol. 24 hours in currently at home waiting for a detox center to call me. Currently experiencing slight confusion almost out of body, Body aches blurry vision and I just feel like absolute crap. This too shall pass :pensive:

My mind starts to feel more clear after day 3. Hang on! You can do it. It doesn’t necessarily get easier after day 3, but hopefully you’ll start to see the reward for your detoxing.

Not so sure being home alone is safe.

I already have pulmonary embolisms from Covid. Seizeure risk, and stroke risk

Do you have somewhere you can stay with someone?

No one that will take it seriously

I’ve lied for so long about how bad I am for me to pop up at my family’s house and say I need you to stop me from leaving this house and purchasing alcohol would be bazaar as hell to them

Detox is what I need right now. There’s absolutely no way around it

If you feel like it's dangerous or potentially life threatening for you to be home alone, or you think that you're getting too sick too quick, you can ABSOLUTELY go to the e.r., they will absolutely take you in and monitor you.

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I think I can get a bed and detox before the ER is necessary I’m about to call

Well, personally, I'd rather see you in the ER before it was necessary, rather than be a loved one that just wishes you'd gone to the ER. Listen to your body :heart:

I hope it goes as smoothly and as comfortably as possible for you. Dont forget; you've survived every single one of the worst days of your life so far.

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