Dinner, or a meeting?

That was my choice tonight. Since I work at 10 pm, I had the choice to go to dinner before work, or a meeting.
Well, I decided to go to the meeting and it was busy. Ran into people that I have not seen in a long time and I am glad I went. One person there, went to meetings 100 miles away and many years before I entered the program. A few months ago we were chatting and talked about his journey. Someone had driven him to treatment many years ago. Being comfortable with my friend, I disclosed my last name and he looked at me funny. He asked if I had a relative named Mark from the twin cities. I said yes I did.
Knowing it was my cousin who was in the program and that they crossed paths and went to meeting together and now I have known my friend for around 5 years. We laughed about it a bit and took a selfie together and I sent it to my cousin, whom I already knew was in the program.
My cousin helped him, my friend helped me, I helped my friend and my cousin helped me when he showed up on my father's death bed to be there for us. It is funny how really connected we are in the program.
I am so glad to have chosen the meeting, over going to dinner tonight.


That’s what it’s all about. Carrying the message. Just remember to maintain everyone’s anonymity outside of meetings.
You obviously made the right decision to go to a meeting. :grin:

That’s a very special story and so inspiring how it all worked out helping one another. It speaks for itself. Thank you so much for sharing this😊

Thanks for sharing :pray:t2: