Do I matter?

It might take a while but you will rebuild your self. Keep working, keep praying, keep not picking up.


Of course! Smile :heartbeat::blush:


In your worst moments, always remember that time when you felt really really happy and you will smile for sure... if you have the strength to reach out for help, you have the strength to rise again my friend, best wishes, relax and watch your favorite movie for now :smiley:


Lynn you do matter and you are deserving of all the wonderful things this world has to offer you. Keep hanging in there. One minute at a time :heartbeat:


You are so worthy. Know that you are loved


Hope that you’re feeling better since this post. I think a lot of us have felt that way. You definitely matter. Maybe you lost your calling?

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You absolutely :100: matter! Pray for anyone who says otherwise.


YOU DO MATTER!! YOU ARE ENOUGH!! Start each day with that positive affirmation and share your testimony with another alcoholic, it will not only build them up, but it will build you up as well to provide encouragement to your sister or brother who is struggling.:heart:❀‍đŸ©č

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Don’t ever question your worth because You do matter and You are worthy!!! Be strong!

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Yes you do! This road is less traveled and can be lonely sometimes but reach out and the hand of recovery is there!

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Of course you matter

We all matter - after 50 years of drinking I’m working on that too. And if you don’t have a dog, rescue one - you will so matter! Sounds silly but my dog makes me feel very needed. More than my kids and grandkids !

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We all matter. I sometimes feel like I am worthless myself. I am more lonely than anything. It sucks.

You are worthy and you matter a lot

You matter. Keep moving forward. You got this! We help each other.

Anyone, including you matters & is :100: worthy whether you are drinking or drugging because you’re HUMAN. We all have faults because we are human but we’re all still worthy. Keep telling yourself, “I’m ENOUGH!!” Also, it would be good for you to look up Annie Grace because she’s the best in the field when it comes to sobriety

Hang in there Ron!! Loneliness sucks but you CAN do this!!!:purple_heart:

By the way everyone ~~ it is no longer politically correct to use the word “alcoholic”. The new term now is “Alcohol Use Disorder” 
 just FYI 

Taylor, thank you for sharing more about what helped, who and what helped.

Has anyone heard from Lynn?

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loving what you shared, Jackie.
Rescue animals are indeed, amazing!

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