Do I matter?

Struggling with accepting and or even saying I AM WORTHY right now, is so not happening.


You are worthy


God gave each one of us life for a special purpose. You are worthy of becoming your best self and living life in your purpose. Praying for you.

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I know how hard it is Lynn. It can seem the whole world is against you in our own head!
Is there some kind of self care step you could try? Journaling, hot bubble bath, even finger painting.
If you have some ideas I'd like to try too. :heart:


You are Worthy , Your are a beautiful Person. Remember God doesn’t make mistakes you have a purpose here on earth. He will show you your purpose have faith. Is hard at the beginning but eventually there’s calm after the storm :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:. :pray::raised_hands::hugs:❤‍🩹:green_heart:

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Lynn, I struggle with self esteem at times. I think most of us do. My ego is not my amego!
This challenge is to make me stronger and wiser. When I feel unworthy I do service. Service builds good character and purpose. Works every time

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I bow deeply to you exactly as you are. I send love from my heart to yours. I felt worthless for a long time, when I got clean. It took me over 4 years to begin to like and then love myself. It's a journey and sometimes treacherous because we have been taught shame.
I was told by a woman that she would love me until I loved myself. I will do that for you.
I love you. You are vast, like the Cosmos. There are people who smile, simply because you exist. The Universe is overjoyed that it created you.
Life will get easier, but for now, I send all the love in my heart, dear friend.

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You are loved & accepted. You are easy to love & enjoyed more than you know!

…and yet no matter what you say or think or do you have always been worthy and you always will be.


Yes you are worthy. We are not the sum of our mistakes and poor choices. We are human, and just as you probably choose to love people despite their imperfections-people will love you and most importantly, you are allowed to love yourself❤️

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You are here by gods grace . God is great . Therefore you are by gods will worthy . Pull yourself together and be the magical person god wants you to be

Just knowing that you are struggling with it means that there is a way to overcome it. The first step in correcting a problem is admitting that you have a problem. Keep on keep strong.

Forgive yourself, and know that you are worthy - of the love and forgiveness that the God of your understanding so deeply has for you. Straighten that crown and move forward. Let the past go - it’s literally history that you can’t go back to. Enjoy the present, and keep doing the next right thing.

Hi, Lynn.
I echo the support shared here.

I have been experiencing a rough series of days.

Saying hello and letting you know that you are most certainly not alone in regards to feeling this way!

Please let us know how you are doing.

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Taylor, so beautifully expressed.
I benefitted from reading your words, just now.

What are some of the aspects of life which helped you reach a place of self-acceptance?

If you feel like sharing, thank you…and thank you for your honesty about things taking about four years.

Change most certainly does not take place and overnight!


Yes you matter. Give yourself some grace.

I started researching co-dependance and the new recovery language. A friend also sent me a guided "I am" meditation by Kenneth Soars. A friend told me she loved me every day for 4 years and something in me just broke. All the Universe in me poured out everywhere and I reached such a mindful state of acceptance for the world and myself.
I remember falling limp in child's pose, on my bedroom floor and falling asleep that way. I just took my hands off the wheel. I loved myself because the Universe is so vast and lovely and I am part of it.
The next day everything was new and exciting and I was worth it. All of it. I fell in love with myself. Human, fallible, tiny, and unsure. It's hard to explain but it's kind of like all of a sudden knowing my higher power had forgiven me for all the things I couldn't forgive myself for and in knowing that, I was at peace.
I decided to let go of shame and decide who I wanted to be, instead of what I thought I was or was supposed to be.
It evolves, as things do, but people I didn't know loved me until I loved myself and really that's where it all started.

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I hope you're feeling better, today. I love you, friend.


You matter and you are worthy.


You definitely matter. Sobriety is a struggle but it can also be an amazing experience. Remember that if you are a true alcoholic, like me, there are so many great people out there dealing with the same stuff and it helps to talk about it. When you talk with another alcoholic, you will help them too. That’s when you know you matter. You are helping me just with your post. So yes, you do matter.