Thank you for your advice
All I can say is it took me hitting rock bottom before I sought out real help. Try a 4 week in patient treatment.
I did back in February and it worked but here I am. I think god is going to be the answer just need to connect with him
No. You want to be sober. After all, here you and I are. As an addict, I didn't know any other way of living, that I could actually enjoy my sober evenings. And be relaxed. It was just so easy to believe the lie of the temporary relief of a blackout. You're here with us, asking questions, facing life. You're on your way! It just takes...practice. And anything to stay busy. Take care.
Thank you.
In treatment we did an exercise. The counselor had us add up what we spent a week on our DOC, mine was alcohol, and then had us do the math on what we spent a year on it. I had to re do the math four times because I didn’t want to believe what I spent a year on alcohol all I have to say is it was an eye opener.
I think you just need to keep going to meeting and do some homework on what might be your triggers. I even attending AA felt an empty whole until a signed myself to an outpatient rehab and kid you not my whole has been filled with only strength and hope for my recover. Consider rehab it’s always seen as too much but didn’t we drink too much too? It’s never too much to work on you Sending you love and strength.
Thank you I will not stop trying I will seek help then probably more help and more I guess I will not stop because if I stop my life will be ruined…it’s so close to that but I can’t stop trying to figure a way to stay sober
Yes Girl keep investing in you!
You are worth it us addicts are so useful and power ful Sober!
We were so witty when finding a way to get drunk so we have to be the same when finding our self worth and staying Sober🙏🏽
I was a chronic relapser for way too long. I tried a thousand different ways to manage my drinking. Then finally I just went all in on AA and did exactly what has worked for millions of recovering alcoholics.
Meetings daily
12 steps multiple times
Service, service service.
15+ years of sobriety and freedom from the labyrinth of addiction.
Now you know🫠