Does anyone else feel themselves get addicted to other things

Anything can be an addiction. Going to meetings and putting it on the tables. Saying what your struggling with atm and getting it out in the open helps. Then afterwards if you heard anything that helps or stuck with you. Go on and talk to them about it. If your not there yet though. Talking to other people in recovery about it one on one. You may feel alone but I promise it's normal and many of us have been there. At 2.5 years clean I still go there when I get busy with life. That's when I have to push myself back into the recovery community, almost like day 1 all over again. It's a process and one we are never done with. Addiction affects all parts of our lives. Taking the drugs and alcohol out of the equation often brings light to other areas of our lives still stuck in that obsessive toxic cycle. Don't overwhelm yourself thinking you have to fix it all at once. Just take on one thing at a time at your own pace. It takes as long as it takes on your journey. There's no right or wrong way to your program and process. Just constantly growing in different directions is the goal. There's no destination on our journey. Just the serenity and peace you come to know learning about yourself as you go along.


Nature long walks