Does anyone like their solitude the longer they are sober

Does anyone like their solitude the longer they are sober. Or is it just me lol


I do! Sometimes it's the only way to keep good company.


I do too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I love being at home by myself :blush:

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My therapist wants me to do more but being at home sewing or painting or reading.. glad I'm not alone

I get that

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@jessica312885 Oh GAWD I love it. Especially sitting on the back deck with a cup of coffee, bagel and headphones on in silent mode looking out over the Pacific Ocean.

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I did at first but after awhile you do get lonely…. Don’t get me wrong I still love some alone time just not all of the time.

I used to go crazy at the thought of being left alone..

But now I look so forward to it ... lol

I LIVE for it now. :grin: