Dog or Grocery store?

I’m waking up 143 days AF today and waiting for my appointment to see some dogs at the shelter. I’ve been wanting a dog for so long and finally feel it’s the right time. Has anyone else got a dog newly sober? I worry that the dog might be like, “whaat, man?? This little house? I’d rather be at the pound. Smh” lol but for real I just want it to be happy and I could really use a companion.
So basically, should I just keep living alone? Be patient making sober friends and hope to find love at the grocery store? Orrrr… get a dog :dog::heart:


Getting a dog would be great! Gives you the responsibility and companionship, congrats on 143 days!

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Just got home with her :slight_smile: thanks so much for the reassurance! :slight_smile:


Aww you will have to post a pic soon! She have a name yet?

I named her Mia, she’s such a sweet dog. I’ll post one soon :smiley:

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Love her name! I have had a shelter dog before, sweetest dog I have ever had.

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Bro, it would NEVER hurt to save a dog from a shelter. Definitely need to try and make sober friends for sure, but you'd be saving a dog and having a companion that'll love you no matter what and you possibly saved his/her life ! In my humble opinion, it's a win/win ! Also, congratulations on sobriety !

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Sorry, I just read the comments :sweat_smile: Hello Mia !

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Thank you David! I got a beautiful dog and loving it!


Dogs are therapeutic- backed by science. Companionship from an unconditionally loving supportive dog is perfect.
Laughter, hugs, exercise, & music have a common effect - release of endorphins (happy hormones) Dogs can provide all except music & you have a phone that you & the dog can share - listening to music on a walking exercise! Enjoy your newest love.


I love that, thanks so much!

Thank you!!