Dreams are INTENSE

Lately ive been waking up from INTENSE dreams of my old life. So much so, I actually think they are real and ive slept for days like i used to after using

Its tough fighting somedays from the moment i awake, but i know the value of staying clean

If your out there struggling, speak to someone or even share on here. Its better to unpack then keeping it all locked inside


I've had similar dreams. So strange because they feel so real and cause there's guilt that's not real associated with them and it feels real. Then finally realizing it was a dream..

Hang tight Mike.

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Hang in there man, you got this :muscle:t2:

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Definitely! Thanks for reaching out

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🫶 +1 to the counter

Thanks! I try and keep a journal at my bedside so I can jot down anything right away! Sometimes getting it off my chest immediately helps!

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Great idea.

Thank you for sharing this, because myself and I’m sure many others have been experiencing the same thing or having in the past or are about to if they’re starting their journey. And I might not know you, but I’m still proud of you for seeing the value of staying clean and sticking to that value enough to keep fighting. You’ve got this… always remember that active addiction gets harder as time goes on… But recovery gets easier. Keep up the good work :heart:

Thank you for your kind words! Sharing the struggle helps

Dreams can be wild, especially when your brain’s working through all the layers. You’re doing great, one step at a time.