Drug addiction

I have been ready to stop the use of crystal meth an I am struggling right now cause I want to do this without rehabilitation cause I don't want to lose my house what to do


If you’re addicted to meth you’re probably going to loose everything anyway.
But I’m sure you can go into rehab and keep your house.
I’m also pretty sure if you don’t go into rehab you will eventually lose everything.


What are your options

I would think if you went to rehab and show you want help you wouldn’t lose your house. :woman_shrugging:. Better to do rehab than try to stop on your own.

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You got kids on one side you got drugs on other ? You can't have both sounds like you've got yourself a decision.

Good morning Minerva

Please understand if you don’t get clean and sober. You will lose the house anyway. And possibly lose your life. If you get clean and sober, you have the ability to save your home. It is possible if you go to meetings, do 90 meetings and 90 days and get a sponsor and work the 12 steps.. do service work you have the ability to change every negative thing in your life to positive

Rehab is a great way for us to get away from drinking and drugs. And gives us a chance to clear our mind in our body. With our mind being clear enough to hear the message of recovery I hope this helps


Before I went to treatment, I had lots of reasons all the time why I couldn't go , really knew if I did I was saying good by to my most favorite thing, but when I really wanted to stop, I put my stuff in storage. I could not do it without help , I tried and I tried and eventually I got help. Do u feel like you're strong enough?

I didn’t have money, insurance or time for rehab or sober living. So I went to 3 meetings 7 days a week for years. Got sponsors and did the 12 steps multiple times.
I truly wanted sobriety and went to any lengths to get sober and stay sober. I still do.
You can do it too! Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

Please go to rehab we do not want anything bad to happen to you from withdrawals

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