Dry Challenges Got Me Back on Track

When’s the next one? I’m dying for a new interview! It was my favorite and most useful part of Loosid for me! Please MJ! :pray:t3:


Love it

I love these interviews.

I want to know will there be more!


Great interview / info


More stories, please!

Any chance there might be sharing and/or videos that include drug addiction though I know alcohol is a drug ( period ) and it’s not really about the substance ….
Still curious and thanks :blush:


Great info and reminders!

thanks for just sharing

I'm very similar in the sleep loss and social drinking. I never felt like I had a problem, but I hated the feeling the next day after even one drink.

The amount didn't matter 1 drink or 12, I felt the same effects.

I do diets frequently, and sobriety is a huge part of that and I've had successful diets and failed ones. Yes it does make you feel better after like 3 months of keto or paleo , but the amount of effort and work it takes to make it that far (90 days+) is definitely the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life.



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Ii knew I had a problem. I'm almost 4 months drug free and alcohol free I also had a problem with marijuana

I had to admit that I'm a alcoholic and addict of marijuana. Alcohol anonymous program and newroads sustained recovery and aftercare and therapy all saved my life . I know I cannot drink or smoke marijuana one day at a time. I've come to accept this. I've been going to aa program since 2017

I'm proud to be drug free and alcohol free . I have to stay connected to aa program and aftercare with newroads sustained recovery and therapy. Praying and having support all has kept me sober one day at a time