Early recovery fatigue

I have almost 90 days, not sure if that’s still considered early recovery. I am so tired all the time. I feel guilty for napping. Is this normal?


Check out P.A.W.S.

I’m ~almost~ at 6 months and I still say I’m in early recovery! My mentality is I’m in it for the long haul and if the goal is sobriety for the foreseeable future, then everyday of recovery at this point still feels new and fresh to me.

I was exhausted every day until some switch flipped in my brain around month 4. I don’t know what brought that on, but I was grateful for it. You’re not alone. :pray:


You’re definitely still in early recovery….. your body is going thru a lot of adjustments so just be patient…. Everyone is different on their time frames but you will feel better eventually


Oh my Gosh — me too — I took two naps today. I am also almost 90 days — my sponsor says it is “normal”.

Sleep is good for you! Take advantage!

You nap if you need to. Take care of you.

Congratulations on your recovery!! 90 days is great. Listen to your body. If it needs rest, then you rest.

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It's 100% normal. It's commonly referred to as P.A.W.S. (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome). I'm going on six months and still dealing with this. Get a workout routine and stick to it. Also, never feel guilty about taking a nap. If your body is telling you to rest then listen. I know it can be a lot to deal with but it beats a hangover.

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If you have the time to nap, never feel bad about it. You can ask your higher power for the motivation and energy to do the next right thing.

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Early recovery is really first 5yrs, but what does that matter! Don’t get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired!! Guilt is an absolutely useless emotion til your Sponsor tells you otherwise! You are OK right this minute and I love you!

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I get tired whenever I stop but luckily I’ve been super busy. Working out in the morning increased my energy for the day and makes it easier to fall asleep quickly at night.

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Yes all normal. Give yourself a break in all you do. Day at a time work the steps do what you hear the happy joyous and free sober people do and do it too!

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Start working on your diet. I learned that my diet was a huge part of my fatigue

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I consider it awesome. Congratulations dear! Keep trudging!

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Post acute withdrawal symptoms aka PAWS can last up to 2 years for substances. I’m guessing it’s the same or similar with alcohol

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I think that even if you’ve been sober for decades it’s important to listen to your body. But more so in early recovery!!

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