Eating in restaurants has been unbelievably hard

Eating in restaurants has been unbelievably hard.


Cooking is fun for me.

Oh, I agree, but for family occasions going out is hard

Cheaper at least

Thank you
Your right about the who your around :pray: if I could just get there before the over drinkers then leave once they are there
I’m only a month in


Totally normal….It took me over a year before I could enjoy dinner out with people that would drink. Everyone is different :pray:


Some people order a MOCKtail so they don’t feel “left out” and still have something nice to sip on. Alcohol isn’t my first DOC but I definitely can’t drink either: I love a mocktail to feel special!
Disclaimer: know yourself first! For some folks this isn’t a best practice. Oh and double check with the server before you taste :tongue: :+1:t2:🩷


Just because someone else may order poison and then drink it, doesn't mean you need to.

I’ve been there. It took me a year Lisa before I was comfortable being around people that drink order a mocktail

And just because the other friends are drinking, doesn’t mean you have to you can always order a soda. You can always order some water if you have to excuse yourself from the table and go outside and get some fresh air.