Emotions continued…

I guess somebody figures I’m in a position to deal with a few extra emotions and feelings these last few days. Guess we all need our will tested to ensure we continue to work on bettering ourselves and are able to maintain the strength we’ve already achieved. Found out this afternoon that my soon to be ex wife and my daughter moved away today. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it was coming and everything was good on that end though we haven’t discussed it for several weeks. I misunderstood and thought they were leaving next Friday when I would have been able to see my daughter off. I’m currently out of the country for work and won’t be back till next week. Just kind of hit me hard this afternoon. Probably better this way, if I’d have been able to hug her it would’ve killed me to have to let go. She’s my world. This pic is from 6 years ago but it’s one of my favorites.


Im so sorry, that’s so incredibly hard. Please stay strong :heart:


:+1: thank you-one moment at a time.


I’ve walked in your shoes. Stay strong and know that you are not alone


Stay strong Eric. One foot in front of the other. There will be more feelings to come from this but you can get through.


I am sorry, Eric.
One moment at a time, yes.

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I’m sorry you are going through this and feeling this pain. Remember how strong you are. One day at a time.

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She’s one of many reasons :+1:

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