I declare the Lord is my shepherd. Ilack nothing. He is first in my life. I live to serve and glorify him. I put away all bitterness, rage, and anger so I can receive the peace of God.
I am quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. I am wise and self-controlled.
I love people and believe the best about others. I live unoffended. I reject the spirit of heaviness and replace it with praise.
My life is marked with gratitude. Humility, joyand love follow me. I have the mind of Christ and renew my mind daily with Gods word. The word of God is my truth!
I will not be discouraged or defeated. There is always hope for every situation! Iam growing closer to Jesus everyday. I am anointed, empowered, and called.I wake up daily with purpose.
Christ is my friend and the Holy Spirit dwells within me. I am taking hold of the abundance Jesus promised me! Amen