Every day is a struggle to not pick up my

Every day is a struggle to not pick up my DOC.. moved to a new town back in late October and have been self isolating a lot… I’m trying to move back to where I moved from but it isn’t seeming to happen like I want it to.. the stress is making it difficult for me to stay sober.. every day I’m having to look to my higher power to get me through


@heaven317673 ... That is what your higher power is for. To be looked up to and sought after on a daily basis.

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Great recognition about isolation. I can't tell you how many times I acted out or started spiraling because of the faulty coping mechanism of isolation. Sometimes I would just go sit in a Starbucks or restaurant to be with people

Things take time you can make it just reach out there’s so many people that have the same struggles you will be ok :sparkles::hugs: have faith in yourself you talking about how you feel now helps don’t stop people are so helpful on this sight :blush:

If you are looking to your Higher Power for help every day you are doing it right :heart:
I get the self isolation. Start small…make a goal to walk outside to get the mail or plant some seeds in the garden.
🪴 I’m pulling for you :pray:

It’s going to be ok. Just keep leaning on your Higher Power. With the whole moving thing, just remember, no matter where you go there you are. The only thing moving will change is the scenery.

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Go to a meeting. Make some new friends in your new area.

Faith without works is dead. There's clear cut directions in whatever 12 step program you choose. Do it like your life depends on it. Sponsor, home group, meetings and if you can't stay clean in between get into a treatment center first.

Felt very similar in early sobriety. I had to just go to in person AA meetings and kept sharing my struggles. It really really helped.

If I was in early days of my sobriety I would be slightly more understanding of myself but I’m almost 12 years in and struggling like it’s my first week and it’s hard

The fight is real, but so are YOU Don’t let the cravings win, keep pushing forward.

Oh man! Ok. Well I’ve had to go back to my roots several times in the last 16 years. Also working the 12 steps with sponsees is a must for me.
I’m here if you want to talk