Everything fucking sucks!

Everything fucking sucks!


Preach it, sister

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We’re here to help.

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Drinking or getting high won't make it better

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Oh but it does..... In that moment

Those moments will come to pass, Kris.


Hey Kris. I just came across one of your Hotline posts from a month ago...it seems as if you're as unhappy/frustrated then as now. If you ever need to talk, I'm always down to chat. Sending you positive vibes.

And what we think about we bring about... so if you expect everything to suck- that will manifest in reality. If you expect things to improve, that’s what you’ll see and experience. Easier said than done to switch frequencies but worth it every time.

It does, stay strong

:100: mood entirely right now. I want to drink to numb how shitty everything is, but deep down I know it will make things worse. This shittyness will pass, I promise. Hang in there, distract yourself, breathe :heart: it’s okay not to be okay. Fuck everything

Yep, sometimes sh*t just sucks. Keep your head up and good luck.

I fuckkkking get it

Some days are diamonds - some days are gold. Lyrics to an old country song I hum to myself sometimes. But yea some days are what you describe as well - lol

You could not be more correct for an individual like me. Does it suck? Having to relearn how to go about our day without the serotonin storm we are used to from using, everything is dull af. The alternative is not without consequences, and the burden to deal with it. I keep telling myself that the temporary solution strengthens my main obstacle from being methless, shame and guilt, are two mf I detest

So what are YOU going to do about it?