Everything πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I am currently 7 days clean and sober from Meth, Cocaine, & Alcohol. It is definitely not easy but I am trying my hardest so I am able to bring my kiddos home. I was clean for 7 years before relapsing which was huge since I started using at the age of 13!. My husband had 10 years under his belt but as of right now he is currently living out of him truck to make sure he chases a high! I’m heartbroken because I don’t even recognize him anymore and we only lost our battle with Meth in August of 2023. He is all over the local community groups from people saying he is stealing numerous of things which I don’t understand. Like how did he spiral so fast and my heart is hurting for him!.


I'm so sorry for this Ashley. I hope healing from addiction and healing between you happens. Congratulations on your sobriety, nothing can take that away from you.


Work on your sobriety and pray for his :pray:t3:


Sending love your way


My heart goes out to you and your boyfriend. Meth was the hardest drug to overcome. It took a miracle and finding hope. One day at a time has turned into over four years clean from meth. I'm not gonna lie, but I struggle with cocaine. One demon at a time. You can do it.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine what those children are going through.
This disease causes much harm to the innocent.

Focus on your sobriety and yours alone. You’re the only one you can help.
Get to meetings
Get a sponsor
Work the steps


Don’t try to be sober on your own. It was way too hard for me. Getting real help was the only way for me.
Even after 15 years of total sobriety, I had a dream last night of smoking meth. This is crazy powerful!!! Please get real helpπŸ™


Ashley, 7 days is truly a miracle
My ex is still using. I finally had to make the hard choice to have no contact with him because it was only hurting me! It’s been 2 months and the healing is beginning :pray:t2: stay strong Ashley praying for you and your family 🫢:pray:t2:🫢

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Ashley, my heart goes out to you and your husband. Are you currently in a 12 step program?

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Stay strong girl !

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Keep pushing!! You got this!

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Yes from my phone do to him busting the windows out of my suv

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It's takes time keep trudging the road

I’m sorry to hear that. I’m praying for you and your son. Also your boyfriend or husband he is sick and suffering and y’all are unfortunately being abused. I’m so sorry to hear that.

Sorry to hear that for you and him you got to keep praying and telling yourself that you can't save no one but yourself addiction is truly a disease. I'm almost two years clean from my latest drugs of choice meth, heroin and pain pills. I started using drugs tho at the age of 11, I'm 40 now but I've been exactly where you are. Just remember to breathe and take it every second of the day if you have to and remember the blessings you've already received and will continue to receive for staying sober. Hopefully he'll get better himself but if not your gonna have to come to terms with it and accept that some people either don't want it or just can't at this time or ever even get sober. PRAY tho and remember only a higher power a force bigger than you got you where your at today. Your story truly touched me

If you ever need to talk I'm here

The addiction can be crushing. You are doing what is suggested by focusing on your own growth and sobriety. I hope that ya'll love for eachother can eventually turn him back in the right direction as well

Praying for you and family. 7 days is amazing! Tomorrow is 8!!