Ex-spouse gave hope of a future again. Instead she went

Ex-spouse gave hope of a future again. Instead she went out all night and is currently hooking up with another person and lied that she was somewhere else. I’m sooooo close to hitting the plug up. F***!!!!!!!!!!! Just want to disappear rn, gotta get her out of the house !!! But my babies :sleepy:

Can you keep the babies?

I’m sorry you are in this terrible situation. First, we have to continue to remind ourselves that drinking will absolutely not make anything better. In fact, it will only make things worse. If she has given up, and making these kind of choices, then it’s time for you to remove yourself from the situation. Your babies will always be your babies. They deserve a sober and happy dad. You can give them that. Yes, this dream may be shattered, but the universe has a way of creating a new and beautiful dream for you…if you do your part. Stay connected to your support during these times. Keep your side of the street clean. You will look back one day and be amazed at the outcome. Sending you hugs my brother


Sober thinking has led me into a weirrrddd place. I want to forgive already? But I know it’ll take time.. I still love her, and not just for her body, but for her heart . What the heck am I thinking??? She just told me she wanted me, I guess after seeing what she did she realized how much I actually loved her? I feel like I’m crazy.. but I’m thinking that we’re not technically together although I have that connection? Felt like I was being cheated on. I feel so so stupid and sound like it too. I know alcohol would make it go away temporarily but I’ve worked sooo hard!! I can’t give her that. It’s mine!!!! So I’m happy about that :heart::heart: Whoa

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The thought process and feeling the emotions thing worked really well O.o I just feel stupid for wanting to try again, even though it’s no one’s business but I’m trying to be open. Am I too early on that I don’t know or something?? Like I’m so willing to put the work into anything!!

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Rough night. I even asked for detail and got it but somehow.. I still feel happy with myself❤️

I guess I had to ask my this.
“If my sons came to me for advice in this situation what would I tell them” and then follow that advice with out hesitation. Or to the best of my ability. Believe it or not that type of thinking has helped me side step a lot of headaches.


Seth, I think you are doing great and know what to do and are doing it in real time :blush::ok_hand:.
Feel all the feels and always act with a CLEAR mind :dizzy:

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Been there buddy. Mine died from her addiction in the end so there is always an upside. It does hurt though. I had to let go.

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