Favorite Sober Celebrity Who is yours? I’m not really that into

Favorite Sober Celebrity
Who is yours? I’m not really that into celeb gossip and all that lol but I do like Demi Lovato, Macklemore, and Miley (cool to see young ppl in Hollywood staying the straight and narrow)

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Are you sure Miley is sober? I heard an interview the other day and I'm not so sure. She might be California sober.

Robert Downey Jr. Hands down, no competition.


eminem in my opinion

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This is my answer too.

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And steve-o

Dax Shepherd is mine. I know that he recently had a relapse with pain medication after a surgery but his honesty and commitment to getting sober again is very admirable.

Trey Anastasio…Is that a spirit molecule?

Really? Last I heard, she had a slip during quarantine and then had 2 weeks sober but like I said I don’t keep up enough to know lol I still consider her to be in recovery

Pshhh gotta give it up for Iron Man

Eminem and his recovery has had a profound effect on the world

Almost forgot about him lol

Super admirable to come clean about that especially while being in the public eye.

I had to Google who that is lol :woozy_face: you mean my tattoo? Idk what a spirit molecule is, but the one on my arm is a portion of the serotonin molecule