Feeling at the end of a rope. My VA

Hello Sarim. Thank you for your concern as well as the suggestions. I will certainly look those up. Mindfulness has been helpful to extent. The problem is that I tend to work through the pain until it heys to a point to where I become unable to focus on anything else. I have gotten better at avoiding g that situation at least. I will try to update you on the two resources that you have shared and how helpful I find the two.

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Hi, Josh…
Wishing you all the best!
Yes-all of this is a process, obviously!

I seem to hold my breath in, pretty much throughout the day.

And I am rarely in a / the present moment.
( Relating to the mindfulness part ).
We are all rooting for you, Josh.
So often, I have to remind myself that no terrible time in life lasts forever.

I realize that sometimes, words do not do much in relation to helping realities?

I just wanted to say “ hello “ and that I hope that the current challenges turn around and for the better!

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