Feeling guilty/ ashamed
Be kind to yourself. Feeling guilty and ashamed keeps you in the shame spiral, making it even harder on you to quit. I was feeling exactly where you are yesterday. Im trying to practice self compassion and im starting to feel better. You can do this!!
You can always correct your mistakes
Remorse means you are not completely broken. The shame gets easier. The guilt subsides. It will never fully go away, but as you work the steps it will become clear that they are in order for a reason. Be kind to yourself. You can get through this.
thanks Ted ! Ya know it’s a good thing I found this app
I admit I even went to pick up my son from school after drinking 2 / 24 oz
My guilt
Give yourself grace and remember, guilt is unproductive.
I believe guilt is part of recovery my boy
I’ve been told the difference between guilt and shame is best explained like this: guilt = “I did something bad,” shame = “I AM bad.” Guilt helps me identify character defects and grow as a person; shame is almost certainly inaccurate and does no one any good. Whenever I feel myself slipping into shame, I focus on helping others…keeps me out of “self” and gets me back on track!
I agree
Bro..we’ve all been there, good news is, you don’t have to stay there (in your head)! Don’t be too hard on yourself, you admitted it to us, that took strength. Now just remember how it feels and keep coming back and we can teach how to live with (less ) of that shame cause you will be doing less shameful shite!