Feeling Like Im Drowning

Today I relapsed. I don't know why I just know that I had to heard that I fell forward. I can equivocate it to you feeling lonely not having a significant other being homeless at one time being in the new area starting a new life. But I know the truth and my sobriety is on me. I just need some help out there and some friends somebody was true I'm in the Nova area. Is there anyone out there male or female. I'm hurting I feel like dying I'm so ashamed. I was sober for over 7 years and I can't keep getting past 9 months. I'm asking for him somebody y'all.


Bernard, you’re not alone. We are addict/alcoholics, same thing.
Were you working a program?

You can do this, I hope you dont give up. You are worth it. Anyone that has the courage to ask for help is clearly not ready to give up. Attend mtgs and do volunteer work or join other groups for more social activities.

Love cures more then you know. Support and time. Know you are apart of a lonely process but not alone.

Hi Bernard, darn that loneliness and it getting us to hurt ourselves more. I can relate to being lonely, starting over in a new town, and not having a significant other. Some days I’m barely moving and hanging on for dear life. Others I can laugh and smile again. I went through chronic relapses for two years after 3 years of being sober. Never thought I would make it to sobriety again, but I freaking have 19 months now and a lot of close almost relapses after I moved and started over. I pray that you can get the support you need to stay sober. Just keep trying even if u F up, try again and again and again until it sticks. I still don’t have any close friends after almost a year of being there, but I’m like screw it, I’ll learn to be happy with myself, somehow. I have faith they’ll show up one day and I’m grateful for the ones that live far away that I can still call and visit. I was gonna ask if you do any gratitude lists? My old sponsor had me write 10 things I’m grateful for everyday when I first wake up and do the upon awakening. I read upon awakening now and it sounds so different and means so much more to me than it did when I was reading and going through the motions 5-6 years ago. I have hope, faith, and love for you brother. Keep fighting the good fight and never give up.

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There's gotta be some meetings there. Show up and be honest. There are plenty of us that struggled who are sober now. We support each other. I'm praying for you man!

Please look up Annie Grace!!. Please read her 1st book called This Naked Mind & her 2nd book called The Alcohol Experiment. I borrowed both of them from the library & they were very enlightening!!. She has a free app that I downloaded on my phone called This Naked Mind Companion app where you can get support. She also has a podcast & she answers reader’s questions on YouTube. She will help you get rid of false beliefs & help you get rid of all the shame & blame. Good luck!!:purple_heart: