Feeling troubled

Prayers and thoughts to every one who is struggling! Also shout out to those making progress, seeing success and changes lives!

Heading to development conference for work. At the same-time, several personal challenges at the forefront. Consistently thinking about sober lifestyle, GF after almost 5 years is leaving over the next few days and some financial decisions, concerns.

I definitely own some of these issues. But it’s hard to balance it all. I wrote a note to my GF and sadly concerned about sharing because of the response it might garner. All of it makes me want to drink at least one to calm the brain and noise.

Would appreciate some thoughts, guidance. Thank you.


It sounds like you are still suffering from an alcoholic mind. I can relate. Everything was always about me. It's easy for me to see in others, but it took being surrounded by people who had recovered from this disease to point it out. I had to get into the center of AA, and going to a lot of meetings. It took getting a sponsor and working the steps for me to realize it wasn't about me all the time. It was exhausting living that way. I had to get a sponsor, a home group, and then a service position in that home group. It took reading the Big Book with my sponsor, then actively working the steps. It took believing that, in this vast universe, that there was a power greater than myself. Today, I walk a free man no longer bound by alcohol and my alcoholism. It's why I'm here, and what fuels me every day. Not wanting to ever go back to my alcoholic mind, which had me convinced that I was the most important person in my narrow-minded world. I pray that you find and continuing asking for help.


Thanks Andrew.

Brian, we don’t drink no matter what! That’s the one GOLDEN RULE. Always remember that.
You will get through this brother. And you will get stronger and wiser.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?


Hi Brian! Thank you sharing. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. We both know alcohol will make everything worse. You absolutely did the right thing by posting on here!! Keep talking. This is an opportunity to learn and grow, even when it’s painful!

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Thank you Susan!!

Drinking "one" rarely goes as planned.