Figuring Out

I’m new to this site and have been struggling whether I indeed need to stop drinking and make a lifestyle change. Any guidance (comments, online resources) I would openly welcome. Thanks and please share!


It’s been said “if you are trying to control your drinking your drinking is controlling you” it sure is as controlling me!


Thanks Mary. Interesting quote and comment. Profound too

Only you can determine if drinking is a problem. For me it was the fact that I would say I’m not going to drink or only have one and I could never stick to that.
I attended A.A. meetings to see if I identified with anyone there.
You might give it a try also.


Listen to yourself, there will be small yes's or no's of wisdom within you. If it feels like something you feel deep down in your gut, it's probably true. Your brain will lie to you though, and sometimes it's hard to tell whether it's on your side or not.


Thank you, more recently I find drinking has a more noticeable health impact in many ways. I’m working to have all of those health issue checked out. But one common theme comes back to drinking. It disrupts life too. For example I returned from a conference in DC yesterday and drinking even a few prevented me for being fully present Every time it’s had an impact and not always a healthy one.

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If you are at the point you are thinking you are losing control... you likely are.
Everything AA is a site with a lot of information available, including a list of zoom meetings.
Friends of AA is a great chat room on discord if you need to talk.

Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous

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Thanks Bill I will check it out.

Hi Brian. I personally think if you’re asking yourself that question you already know the answer.

Even if you think you have a mild issue, anything you read in the news today and in medical publications you can see if you just Google, basically says that NO amount of alcohol is healthy.

Our society is not built around that set of news, and young people who just want to be social, and relatable aren’t getting the message. We are inundated by movies and marketing of alcohol.

But in the long-term, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, your circulatory system, your brain, your skin, your pancreas, your lymph system….could just do without alcohol completely, and be totally happy!

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Thanks Liz.