Finally 3 years sober from drugs, but not doing too

Finally 3 years sober from drugs, but not doing too hot. Feeling anxious from work, and severely depressed even though I should be happy today, and could REALLY use some support.

Why do bad things happen to such good people?


You're a little ahead of me I'll hit 3 years in July but I can very much relate. I lost absolutely everything to the disease and I'm still shocked when things don't just instantly get better and better. Life, like sobriety itself, is challenging and many times very difficult, but if I was still drinking I'd have np chance at all of any kind of life that's for sure

Hi Athena. Stay strong, you got this what you have been doing for 3years is apparently working, focus on that. I recently heard someone say ‘Have a good day on purpose’ and that resonated with me.

Congrats on making it to 3 yrs! that’s inspiring. It’s probably natural to have tough times like this. This too shall pass. I do exercise, meditation, and time outside (even for just a fee minutes). It may not make the problem go away, but I show up with less anxiety.