
If it’s not one thing it’s another! I’ve been fighting hard to stay sober, I’ve been going to work my entire pregnancy working to catch everything up that I lost when I relapsed. I have been doing so good paying everything up and I wake up this morning to my car gone out of the driveway! Missing my baby doctors appointment and work today! This doesn’t help at all. And I feel so down right now about it!


I’m proud to hear what you have accomplished. Cling to those successes. You are doing the right things. Take it easy and one thing at a time. File a report and make a plan, bus, Uber, support persons. There are ways to keep moving forward.

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Morgan, so sorry you’re going thru that! You are not alone. I have experienced financial difficulties and been overwhelmed multiple times. I’ve learned to stay sober no matter what and I’ve learned that everything works out somehow.
Hang in there and know you are going to be ok :+1: