Find the others

This post is for the folks who’ve reached out without feeling the need to tell me how to do it(you know who you are😉).
‘Find the others’
This expression came to me in a dream several years ago. I have to keep reminding myself that I do not function like most people. I forget this periodically and try to do things the way everyone else does… which usually results in failure. Sometimes I find myself ‘polling’ the people I know for information, so I know how to get it ‘right’. This typically results in more feelings of failure.
Every so often, I am blessed to connect with people who ‘get it’ and I don’t feel the need to explain myself.
Today, I invite you to ‘find the others’ in your circles.


For sure. You are unique, different and special for a reason. :blush:

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Yesss. It goes both ways as well. Especially with my kids. I can’t change the past, but today I can love and support them thru THEIR journey. Less talking, and more listening and hugs. This goes for all my loved ones and friends

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Thank you for writing this. I too forget that I function different than others and totally needed this reminder today.

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Wonderful suggestion Nat. Thank you. This saying is new to me. But makes sense. Best to you!!

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I love this

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