Finding a rehab facility or where to start…

Finding a rehab facility or where to start…


Check into a hospital for medical detox. Go from there.

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K. Thx

Welcome! Medical detox for me was required. And furthermore was a surrender to the winning side. Boozing & drugging is a losing battle. My addiction got stronger and I was getting weaker. A real nightmare sh#t show!!!
I’ll leave a light on and save a seat for you. Welcome to the wonderful world of sobriety.
I’m here if you ever want to talk.

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Hi heather, when I realized I needed help, I contacted a local rehab and they directed me to a good detox. I have learned that all areas do not have great addiction care. Stay strong.

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Medical detox. You'll get all kinds of info on where to go after that. You can do it! It's worth it!

Are you doing okay?