Finding the motivation to believe its all worth

Finding the motivation to believe its all worth it anymore…


I’m sorry you’re struggling. Sometimes when we feel like that, we have to start looking at all the good things that are going on in our lives instead the negative things. What you’re going through is temporary and once you pass it, you will start to see that it’s worth it. Hang in there! :pray:

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it will feel like that, especially in the beginning (if that applies to you). when i first started this journey, i second questioned it every single day. but i had to keep my faith in my higher power that it will all work out in the end, & so far it has. more so, even.
my advice? pause. take it all in as it comes, rather than wondering why xxx hasn’t happened yet. it’s not your time, so trust the divine timing. i love you sis!

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Don’t give up and keep posting people who care :sparkles: some days things seem hard but things will get better just keep coming get feed back on here people truly care :blush::sparkles::pray:t3:

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I hear you! It’s okay to feel like that. I have had the down days too. What I found is that motivation will come from just being yourself!

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Hi Nicole, I am not going to assume I know or understand what you are going through but I will say this, everything we go through shapes us and provides context for all of is worth. Its value is what you believe it to be worth. What I’m getting at is I struggled with a poly substance addiction, I couldn’t get enough, didn’t matter what it was, I just needed to kill the pain. But the pain never got any better, it may have temporarily gotten slightly more tolerable but every time it got stronger and tightened its grip on my identity- who I was became less and less tangible. Years later, after dozens of near death experiences and more than 20-yrs in prison (broken up into smaller bids with the biggest 11-years), I decided to put forth my best effort in staying sober. I had kicked methadone, coke and meth cold turkey in county jail and I was done. All I’ll say is life does get better but it definitely doesn’t happen overnight. Some one once told me that “you have to walk out of the darkness just as far as you went in”. I don’t think that’s exactly accurate, as my life changed very quickly in comparison as I long as it took to practically kill me. Now today I’m CEO of a national substance abuse program and have a family today, which I reunited with my 3 daughters I had lost during those years of use. I’ve been sober more than 2 decades (24 years 3 months) and it’s still challenging working through my BS every day. My addiction is still there and will come back with a vengeance if I don’t actively work on it and recognize that voice for what it is. It tells us we are worthless, that the world would be better off without us, well those are lies. And I have the miracles and the story to prove it. Which helps others on a national scale every day. If I can do, you can too.

We all get down. What keeps me going is the beauty of life, the thrill of a new day, the smile of a stranger. Every day is mysterious And beautiful, and you can make a difference in someone’s life!!

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