First AA meeting done

Just completed my first AA meeting, it was great. I was not expecting a chip but I am very grateful for it and looking forward to my sobriety :heart:




Thank you! It felt good to be in the meeting

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90 meetings in 90 days is what they told me. Meeting makers make it


I definitely will keep up with the meetings. I need to

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Add me as a friend if you want

(2.5 years sober)

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Congratulations. I wish the the very best. It’s hard. Tricky. I just got the courage to start attending SMART recovery meetings. And it’s been very nice. I’ve tried aa in the past but didn’t feel comfortable. Some people say it depends on the group. Finding a good groups. Sorry I don’t have better advice. But you are appreciated here. It’s a very good online community. Sending good vibes your way

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Jerry throw yourself into it heart n soul! You will get out so much more than what you put in! Freedom from insanity! Fellowship, good role models, someone to vent to n share with who truly gets you! Keep coming back! It really does work, if you work it! Sky B :star::full_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face::hibiscus::white_heart:🪶:sun_with_face:🩵

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Congratulations! I just added you back

Thank you so much, the people in the group I attended seemed really nice and supportive. Going back today

I definitely will! I’m so tired of living in active addiction and it always feels horrible to relapse. Thank you for your advice and support

Welcome. It makes me feel stronger to share with others n gives us all purpose to carry the message of hope! Hugz Sky​:sun_with_face::hibiscus:🪶❤‍🔥:star2::star2::rainbow:

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I feel very welcomed, thank you. It used to make me feel embarrassed before telling people I had a drinking problem and would play it off as a joke, screaming for help underneath. Everyone here and in my group have made me realize that I truly am not alone

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One foot in front of the other, brother.


YAY!!!!!! Keep up the great work

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Good deal.
A.A. saved my life. Keep coming back. One day at a time. :grin:

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Hit 8 days today!


Welcome Jerry, keep up the good work

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Keep an open mind, and be willing to let go of the old Jerry. Alcohol is just a symptom. Get ready for the journey of all journeys brother. We are so happy to see you here! You made it thru the madness.