First Father’s Day completely alone

I spent Mother’s Day - Christmas- my birthday alone when I got sober in the beginning. It’s hard. Hang in there. The other side of this journey is so full. Seek friends in AA. I spent holidays with these amazing people.

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Thanks, Cathy. I went to my meeting but it’s not the same and I have to accept the new chapter in my life however hard that may be. Wish you the best

I will. Not much choice anymore as far as I can see it. Giving up doesn't pay, giving in aint in my nature so let's roll. Just gptta be like water and roll with the punches, right?


To be with someone who ignores you because of who and what you are and does not see who and what you want to be is far far worse that being by yourself! Use your AA group and your sponsor to learn to be that person you seek!


Hello Mike, I’m Michael, it’s been almost a year since my wife Veronica passed away. There’s been incredible amounts of heartache, and a huge void in my life. I’m learning that I need to be good , happy with myself, it’s difficult at times. Thank goodness for sobriety, let’s simply live today, tomorrow is another day. Sobriety is an incredible gift, just give it some time :slightly_smiling_face::v:


Sobriety is always good


I’m sorry for your loss, Michael and you are right. Thank you.

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I’m sorry too Mike, life’s tough, but we have one an other, enjoy your day! :slightly_smiling_face::v:


I spent Father’s Day alone as well.
Four daughters and one granddaughter
I feel you.


I am moving through this thread.

The Loosid community and other sober communities like this one are refreshing.

Loneliness is an actual epidemic right now…more than ever…within our American society, especially.

However, regardless of where one is, was raised - brought up…loneliness is part of the human condition.

Unfortunately, from the moment we are born-more or less…we are slammed with messages about how to escape realities and therefore, ourselves.

Think about how many humans are sincerely comfortable in relation to being by themselves.
Very few that I know, know of.

You wrote this on Father’s Day.

I was with my Dad on that day ( I am helping my older parents currently; I stay with them ).

I still felt sad…because my dad was never around for us on any emotional level.

He does not drink.
There are just many things uh, wrong with the dude.

I could write so much more.
Point being, Mike:

You are on the right path.

Loneliness is affecting many more humans and more than ever, as I mentioned.

I believe that so much of it has to do with never being taught to appreciate and value our own company.

This is why so many humans stay in sh-tty marriages and scenarios.

I am outgrowing some friendships, right now-as well.
What you wrote about fake friends, yep-not interested in fake sheet.
Would rather be by myself.

I am in a room right now with my current foster cat.
Humans are, can be so disappointing.
Animals and Nature are amazing.

I am all over the place with this post, I realize!
Thank you for your honesty.

I like Loosid and seeing all of the support…and realizing that we are never alone in, within these struggles-Mike.
Keep going.
Sobriety is better.

Drinking and substances steal every last good thing in life.
We all know this.
You have a ton of support here, Mike!


Well said,Sarim!

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We’re in the same boat brother me and my wife have been separated since about December as well. I have a two year old well he just turned three artistic son. He’s beautiful and he learns well but where I was in my life at that time I’m not intimate with anyone, but I’m trying my best to be able to get my wife back, I’ve been on this journey about three times yet this time I’m doing it for me


Thanks, Andre. Wish you the best and what’s good for you.

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You are not alone. Wishing you happiness


It never really gets easier, just know she is always with you. Much love.


Hello Mike I’m sorry to hear. But I am happy to hear you are here Sharing this way you know you’re not alone we’ve got your back.

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Everything right now is temporary. Your relationship with your daughter Will evolve restrictions will lesson or change. Just give it time. Please try not to doubt the value of your sobriety.

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