For me mental health wellness and recovery go hand in

For me mental health wellness and recovery go hand in hand, I have to take care of both in order to take care of me​:heart::pray:t5:

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Agree, both are important. I often wonder did my bipolar disorder cause me to drink or did my drinking make my mood swings worse🤔


I believe mental health and addiction should be treated with respect and dignity.



I don’t know the answer to that question but 60 of us who have bipolar disorder are alcoholics


My wife was in AA until a year ago when she died suddenly. She didn’t die drunk.

Sorry for your loss


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TY Desiree!

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60% of people with bipolar disorder are alcoholics. Remember you don’t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.

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Great point

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Great Point hit the nail on the Head! Now will someone please hit the nail into my head and release just a few of my friends! But, just a few? I know I cannot control who or what demons are within me? But there are ones that provide me pleasure and ones that give me pain! Anyone else? Bi-polarity is my very mis diagnosed lifestyle and the Dr. Who missed this one should be banned from practicing! So what other addictions have my Sober Friends been dealing with? Thanks for listening if you're still here!? I am but aren't we all lonely?


Missing her love when God’s love is so near at hand, somehow seems a sacrilege, but I think He (She, It, Whatever) understands

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