For overcoming recent strong temptation without a relapse and wisdom

For overcoming recent strong temptation without a relapse and wisdom to understand how to avoid the triggers altogether!


Personally, I despise the word trigger. I drink and can't stop drinking because I'm an alcoholic. My mind tells me that every time I pick up that drink, even though I know that it's going to spell disaster, that this time it's going to be different. This time, I'm going to control and enjoy my drinking. This time I'm not going to mix liquor and beer. This time I'm only going to drink wine. This time I'm only going to have 2. This time I'm not going to drink beer over 6% abv. I could go on and on with the excuses I tried selling myself. I had to address the problem, and that was that I am mentally and physically different. Something happens within me that never happens in the average or temperate drinker. Once I put alcohol into my body, the phenomenon of craving is introduced and my body demands MORE! That's why they say one is too many, and a thousand is never enough. I was saved by finding a developing a relationship with a power greater than myself, which I choose to call God. That relationship was developed through working the 12 steps of AA.

Happy sober Friday the 13th y'all!!

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Very well said and all true. Funny how we try to reason with ourselves about only 1 or only drinking this, knowing it’s going to be a disaster. We wouldn’t be here if we were wired differently. Have a happy Friday yourself!

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Overcoming the temptation is hard but you did! Have to get out of our heads in moments like these. Have a great weekend!

Thanks, Mindy that was kind of you to say. I'm grateful that God gave me the ability to express my thoughts and feelings well, and it is my absolute pleasure to share my experience, strength and hope here and in my day to day life. I was told often, "You have to give it away to keep it" and I want to hold onto this thing for dear life, because it is life or death for me. At this point 2 years ago, I was completely broken - inside and out. I wanted to die, and couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It turns out that light was my Higher Power, who I call God for lack of a better word. Trust God, clean house, help others. Pretty simple formula I tried to overcomplicate with my alcoholic mind.

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