Found out last night my sober house won’t accept my

Found out last night my sober house won’t accept my other scholarship I got back at the end of May. So much for a 4 day notice to pay rent. Now I’m frantically job searching because $ will run out next month. Also no car yet & now debating switching sober homes to be closer to better public transportation ugh!

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I’ve never used sober homes. Are they difficult to find/change?

I'm in one also. Maybe speak about the problem in a 12 step meeting, like your home group? Perhaps a fellow member can help you out?


I’ve never been in one but it doesn’t sound like it

I'm in a sober house. In my area there are churches which will pledge $ towards rent. Proof (letter) from peer advocate is needed.

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Nicole, stay sober no matter what! It’ll all work itself out. There is a solution. Look for a free 30 day sober housing in your areas that is near public transport. They’re in every city.
I’ll friend request you now. We can talk if you want.