
I was at a group this morning. We got off topic a bit. Some of the things said felt like a personal attack. Although I know better I reacted and. I know better. Now I feel kind of bad because I kind of attacked back. At least I didn't single anyone out. I will make amends before tomorrow to each one personally. But I can learn from this I hope.


Absolutely, that's how we all learn. Good job on your 10th!

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10th step!

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This sounds about right for one of us. At least one of us who still has an alcoholic or an addict mind. I had to learn very early on in sobriety, that if I took things as a personal attack, then that usually meant that I shared those same characteristics and same traits that the person was speaking about. If I am offended, I need to look inward as to why. I would highly recommend saying the serenity prayer in the long form. You did the right thing, though you came here and you shared about it. Now, sit back and enjoy all the experience, strength and hope from those of us who have been exactly where you are. I am praying for you.:pray:t2:

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Thank you, your wisdom will not go unheeded.

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Thank you for the encouragement

Of course, brother! It's what we do! We stand shoulder to shoulder to combat this insidious disease!


It is OK sometimes we act out due to our emotions. Character defects come up and all aspects of our lives. It is awesome that you noticed it. Keep working your program. God bless you.

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Thanks Troy our character defects do show up, I'll add that to my ever growing list.

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It’s ok to not be ok. Just don’t stop.

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Hi Michael, good that you shared your human reactions honestly n could see n feel them.Returning to our Primary Purpose and also placing Principles before personalities helps a lot.We don’t need to take on the personal opinions of others, and making an effort to quiet the ego can help too. But we are all a work in Progress n tomorrow is another day. We get to self introspect, share with our Sponsor n our Fellowship n then apply Steps n Tools to help change n modify our reactions. Manual for Living I call this Program.Thanks for your honesty n longing to change. Wishing you a beautiful n peaceful 24. Blessings, Sky B​:cherry_blossom:❤‍🔥:pray:t4::sunglasses::sun_with_face:🪶

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For sure the 10th Step.
Also, frustration signifies a lack of empathy. Often for one's self then also for others.
Forgive yourself, friend.
We all know better and then do human things. We're all doing great and then flail in public. A lot of us are having massive exponential personal growth but we're doing it as adults in front of each other and that is awkward!
Kuddos for telling on yourself. Remember, though, we asked for flaws and defects to be removed but it doesn't mean they have been or ever will be. HP may have a different plan. You may have helped people in your meeting, unknowingly.
Don't beat yourself up. Just write your daily inventory and make amends and know your keeping your side of the street clean.
Have a great night, friend!

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Yes sir I’m proud of you

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Thank you so very much for such meaningful explanation.

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Awww! That made my morning :sunrise_over_mountains:!
Have a great day!!

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You just made mine. Thank you