Getting bored

I just got out of prison in February. Been sober since June 2023. I've got my own place a good job and spending a lot of time with my son who currently lives with his grandparents. But at first it was nice to have my own place and get some quiet time to just relax on the couch but im starting to get bored. I've removed all the negative people in my life so really don't have any friends anymore. I concerned about getting bored because I know what that can lead to


Fill your boredom with meetings! You’ll meet other sober people and before you know it, you’ll have new friends! I met one of the dearest people in my life in IOP last year. I struggle a lot with the same problem, but just going to a meeting and having that social interaction feels a lot better.


When I first got sober, my so-called friends and I separated ways. In the meetings I got phone numbers and started calling guys. I have made more life long friends in the program than I can count. The BB talks about a fellowship that grows around us and this has come true for me. Remember, one day at a time.

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I understand the being bored feeling. Try not to view boredom as a negative thing. Its a signal of stability. Its a lack of chaos.

I still struggle with it, being ok with myself. Not doing anything. I remind myself what i used to do and where that went. That realigns my thought process.


SERVICE! Lots of love, drama, reward, tragedy, and fulfillment in service. I learned if I’m bored it’s because I’m boring!
There’s so many things in life I always wanted to do but was an addict. Then in recovery I did and still do lots of those things to enjoy life.
I’m always grateful I’m not locked up or need a fix.
Are you working with a sponsor?

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Welcome back

How about the gym? Do you make friends easily?

When not in meetings or hanging with sober friends I get into hobbies. Old ones that I loved and old ones that I didn't initially. I found that new sober me can do more things than old me could. I like plants now that I remember to water them. I got roller skates, jig saw puzzles, card games, started a weekly craft night at my place, bicycling, crystals, tarot cards, paddleboarding, dancing, reading, video games, cell phone games, cooking.. now my problem is i have too many :joy:

I feel like this where I'm at too I got a job got things that need to do to be sober but now I'm just at a point where I'm bored so I told you understand this I've called in at work the past 3 days now I'm just depressed and I don't know how to shake this off

If you don’t mind me asking, have you thought of volunteering in your community or others? It’s a really great way to not only build relationships but also network and cultivate a support system for yourself. You’re also giving back to others and doing some fulfilling. :sunflower: