Getting bored

When I first started out in recovery I was happy with being bored and not so busy all the time. Now that I'm two years clean I'm getting bored with just the same old same old. In all honesty I'm starting to miss the constant having places to be and people to meet. Any suggestions on dealing with this?


I understand

Learn a musical instrument. Why not?:slightly_smiling_face:

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I've taken up knitting and crocheting. Been fun so far and time consuming

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Yup, music. Guitar, and when I was ready, dating.

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There are a million things to try. Some ideas. Service in H&I, clubs such as hiking, dance, arts, swimming, cooking, music and so many to choose from.


This is a challenge for me as well. Creating the life you don't want to run/numb from. I'm thinking about signing up for tennis lessons?
Anything new u wanna try?

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Good morning Melissa

What are your hobbies summative things you would like to do??? Now the sky is unlimited