Getting high

Can t f’ing stop and i hate being paranoid


Every minute is a new beginning


I’ve been there before for PCP now its this a stronger drug I don’t what to do i stare at the windows feeling paranoid all night smh these urges wont stop

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I’ve been there. (when I’ve done cocaine) It’s important you drink plenty of water, remain calm (as best as possible) and try to rest. Speak to family, if possible. I’m here to talk all night if you need.


I agree with the stay hydrated, im not sure of your DOC but when found myself Paranoid , I focused on what was around me and said it outloud. Also try taking deep breaths and count the seconds you breath in and out, remember drugs alter our reality, I would possibly look into treatment if your at a piont you want to stop but can't, I remember spending night after night trying to find a rehab online. Also if your interested there is a 24 hour NA meeting online .


You got this bro keep trying and never give up….
Remember it’s NOT How many times you fall, But; How many times you keep going and trying give it your all. Best wishes on your journey :muscle::100::100::v:!!!

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