Getting sober from wine.
Wine was my go to during a long period in professional school. Great thing is weight loss is almost certain because of cutting out all the calories in wine. Check out calories in a bottle sometime, it's pretty bad. In the beginning , you should have a few sweet things to eat so your body isn't also pissed at being cut off from sugar, then taper off for health. It's hard enough just quitting alcohol.
Good luck
I haven’t even got sober yet, i feel so bad because I binged last night. And now I feel so horrible and guilty. I wonder if I’m ever going to get sober. And yes ! It definitely does make you gain weight. I gained so much from drinking it.
I lost 40 lbs like immediately stopping frickin wine🤣. Do you have withdrawals after you quit a while?
If so , I cannot recommend a medical detox more. It's gotten me off to best start ever. I was a fifth a night guy though
Room temperature black currant juice was my substitute
No the first time i had quit which was back in June, i went 3 weeks and didn’t have any withdrawals really. Sometimes I would get sad but it wasn’t too bad. And I’m usually fine through the day at work and everything. It’s around the night time when I come home and I’m ready for a drink. I say I’m going to have a glass and then end up drinking the whole bottle. SMH
Thank you for this recommendation!
Yeah I needed it to sleep primarily. If you can't stop yourself you should seek help, many of us figure this out way later than 27. A regular /detox rehab would do it.... usually at least 30 days, meet alot of friends, they distract the heel out of you and obviously keep you from the booze. There are all female, all male and coed. I really enjoyed coed ... ironically it's like the presence of the opposite gender calmed shite down a bit 🤷...crappy thing is they almost always lock your phone up. I actually appreciated it after a mind came back more from that than quitting booze /drugs I swear. I recommend the rehab and I could tell you a bazillion things to prepare for if u wanna hear them. Serendipity, they actually want you recently quit for insurance justification. They just want about one night of not drinking not really need more....I know it's kinda strange....
That sounds great! Yes tell me more. Only thing is my job. I don’t know how I would go about taking a month off without getting fired.
I think it would require the truth and they'd probably understand but I know some places arent having it
Well if you do pack a big luggage or bag. They allowed 7 outfits here but could have done more , two pairs shoes (one should be sandals for common showers. You can bring cosmetic products and such as long as alcohol is not in their ingredients. My place allowed smoking and dipping. But no oh ne and no phone calls period for a blackout period of about 5 days... the keep ppl from running away as soon as it gets hard 🤷. You can take books and should bc a lot of downtime, or magazines whatever. Toothpaste toothbrush and razors provided but they are awful. You can take your own almost certainly better. You'd have to ask about specifics of some of these, they may be different a tad bit usually the same at every one I've been to .
I'll probably think of more lol can take beanies but not baseball caps; lol who knows
Oh goodness not having a phone sounds like h3ll SMH but I’m going to look into this thank you !
Ashley. Very few jobs will fire you if you come back with a certificate of completion.
Really I had no clue. I didn’t want my job to judge me for it.
That's a risk you take especially if you work at a smaller company. I would try AA meetings first or outpatient unless you really need help.
I think I may be able to do AA .. what’s outpatient ?
Typically it's aftercare for once you complete treatment. They help you with therapy and connect you to resources. Outpatient is there for people who haven't completed treatment but most places will make you work to get it. AA is also amazing for finding resources many people don't know is out there.
When the pain outweighs the pleasure you'll get sober. Or at least try to. You need a support group (AA). Get connected with like minded people and the struggle will become manageable and lessened with the more sobriety you have.
One last tip. If you're not ready to go to a meeting in person try a zoom meeting. It helps to connect with people who know where you're coming from.
Yea I’m not sure I’m ready for i. Person. So I’m going to do zoom first, thanks so much for the suggestions !
Yes I felt so awful and guilty this morning I’m really ready for a change.