Going on day 12 and feel so great! Sometimes I

Going on day 12 and feel so great!!! Sometimes I do wonder if life can be as much fun without alcohol. When do you hit that mark where you don’t ever want it again. I know everyone is different. Right now I have no desire. However I have some things coming up where it might be hard to pass. I’m going to try though.


Yes I can relate. Initially I looked at sobriety as an experiment. My goal was to stop for a full year and then take stock. I was thinking that after a year I might go back to drinking occasionally. And when I was out in parties or events I was always thinking that I’m not gonna blow up my one year project. And I made sure people knew about it to hold me accountable. I’m two months in now, and already know that I’ll never drink again. The more I research and read about alcohol the less I want the stuff in my system. Despite some ups and downs I already feel so much better sober, and I simply don’t want to go back to square one. I believe the key to keep the momentum going is to never take sobriety for granted.


I can relate so much to what you just wrote. I know it’s only 12 days but gosh the way I feel is so great I don’t want to go back. I like the one year idea! I might have to copy that.
I also have been reading about what alcohol does to you and really wonder why it is legal. It is so scary to think about what I have been doing to my body the last 20 years. Thanks for the inspiration!


Anytime! There are so many great books about sobriety on Amazon, and I love to snuggle up on the couch with my daily fix lol. Podcasts and blogs are great too. Just fyi, the first month I was floating on cloud nine, but the second month I experienced some bad insomnia. So what went up had to come down at some point, but by now I’m feeling great again, and a bit more balanced. Just be aware that those ups and downs are part of the experience :blush:


Thank you for the tips. If you have by books or podcasts that are your favorite please share. I’m really into all of that lately as well!


I really loved Allen Carr’s ‘easy way to quit drinking’, and both ‘alcohol explained’ books by William Porter. ‘This naked mind’ by Annie Grace is not bad either. I use Spotify and YouTube for podcasts, but haven’t found a favorite just yet. Right now I’m just inhaling whatever comes up on kindle unlimited :wink:


I’ve read Allen Carr but not the William Porter. I’ll check those out.


This post and comments really resonates with me!!!! A huge reason why I’m fighting this battle! Ty ladies :raised_hands:t2::heart::muscle:t3:


Sober awkward is a good podcast -



I can relate to all! Not my first rodeo, but in this recovery something clicked for me. Early into it, but I feel so good in all aspects, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually! It’s a first that I am enjoying it all. The appreciation of the gift of desperation hopefully will have a significant role in keeping me here. So, Kelly and all I feel so blessed to be in your company! Happy sober Saturday! Just for today enjoy the gift He has so graciously provided us! Stay safe!

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Love this! I am so past ready for a change in my life for the better. I’ve never been this motivated.