Going through the motions

Day 9 almost complete. My addiction, which I just came to terms with, cost me my relationship with the person I know is the love of my life. She has her reservations now and wants time apart which I do completely understand, it is just so hard going day by day without her. I just want to prove to myself and her that I can be the version of me that she loves so much, I know the alcohol just needs to go. I know I’m capable of being better for myself and then hopefully moving forward with her. Just the time and space between us now and the thoughts and overthinking make the temptation to drink even stronger. I should’ve come to terms with this when she was still by my side and willing to stay. Instead I pushed her away instead of facing my problem… Just needed to vent. Going through the motions of the ups and downs, it is just very down right now… thanks for listening


Ines, you have my kindest regards to what you are going through. I went through something similar with a significant other that I know was the love of my life though she did not stick by my side to watch me get sober.
Remember that you have come to terms with this disease alcoholism & etc. (if it applies) , and are wanting to change for yourself and the better. Focus on maintaining your sobriety and she will see the change in you with your actions and the new life you have chosen to have.
Work your spiritual program and keep coming back on here to vent if needed. Day 10 is tomorrow and keep up the good work.


Sorry you're low right now Ines. We both know that any assistance we thought alcohol would bring is an illusion, and that poison only makes things worse. Maybe a little, maybe a lot but there is no benefit to that addictive drug and there sure are down sides. I hope you feel better soon.


Day 10 tomorrow! Do this for yourself! Been there. You have to want to want it!!! Wishing you happiness on your journey!!!!!

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You got this Ines!! Do this for you both!

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Our sobriety can't rely on anyone else, we have to do it for ourselves. Sometimes we wear out our welcome with people because of our behaviors. Stay focused and build up a real sober support system, and you will have the best possible outcome.