Good Morning! I've decided to try detoxing from home due

Good Morning!!!! I've decided to try detoxing from home due to that i can't take a leave from work or I don't get paid . Took off for day 0 but day 1 and have tp go to work. I work in education. My problem os drinking when i get home from work roght away . Any suggestions how to avoid doing this?

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Go to a meeting before going home. Talk to some other alcoholics. Get some phone numbers.


Going to meeting immediately after work and twice on days off. Morning meetings and evening meetings really helped me!


Get to a meeting.


Go to meetings. 100%. Most helpful. Create a DAILY routine of doing your gratitudes. Perhaps wait till you get off, as Matt once told me which changed my walk with sobriety, "I cannot be grateful for my sobriety and be active in addiction at the same time.

For me a routine is key
Gratitude every day without fail, meetings, gym, yoga, home group, sponsor, sharing this gift of sobriety. 7 days a week I try to do this. It's a lot. The rewards are inexplicably great and tremendous.

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I detoxed on my own. I went to meetings everyday. Drank lots of fluids and ate lots of candy. It was painful. I got a nasty cold. It's difficult and I do not recommend it, but it can be done.

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