Grateful that i supplied my PO with urine free from meth and grateful that shes been in contact with me daily to get my life back on track. Grateful always to God and his neverending love.
Keep it up
Heck yeah,
That's great two hear how long u been sober now an how long was you usin
I've been sober now for two weeks. Ive been using since the age of 14. Although my last use was a 3day rock bottom relapse. This is the first time I've ever WANTED it for myself.
Eff ya, it was always a good feeling to pee clean...
Not the actual peeing in front of my po...(lol)
But the actual I'm peeing clean. And the I'm clean part of it
Trust me l, I had to pee for my Co's and po's for 3 1/2 years
I'm 10 years down, 10 more to go.
Well, good job..
And even though we don't know each other...
I'm proud of you!!
I was proud of myself in my achievements, and I'm proud of you in yours.
Good for you. You seem enthusiastic and committed -  one day at a time begins to add up - enjoy! Pleased for you.
That’s a huge step, and your commitment to turning things around is super inspiring. One day at a time, and God’s got you through it all. Keep going.
Congrats on two weeks! Keep it going. We're all rooting for you
Thank you kindly! It's been a long time coming.
Thanks girl! Same to you. We are capable, we are enough and we are unconditionally loved by the Big Guy upstairs. Couldn't do it without Him.