
Recently, I heard a message on gratitude. "When receiving unfair criticism say 'thank you' and move on" resonated deeply with me.

Is expressing gratitude for unfair criticism difficult or hard for you?

This message has made me realize how I didn't/don't always have the right attitude towards unfair criticism. Since I've heard this message I only reply "thank you' as long as that's my initial response/thought. If not, I keep it moving along.

No need to take things personal. Misunderstandings are common. It's best to assume the best in all situations, including giving people the benefit of the doubt. That's how I do my part.

Such a good concept to consider. I think the thing that stuck out to me was the word “unfair” ... I would first have to assess what about the criticism was unfair to me, then that would probably inform whether or not I would express gratitude for it lol just the other day, a random person left a comment on one of my videos explaining to me all the reasons they didn’t like it and all the things I should do different. Granted, it didn’t feel GREAT to read, but he was respectful and honest in his assessment so I thanked him for it!

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I like your idea behind unfair. To me it's something that's not merited, i.e. rude, negative, and false. Lol.

For example I received advice on a subject I wasn't talking about and the person stated something about my character and never addressed what I need advice about. Or another scenario I was in: I was told by another person how I felt about something and this person never heard how I felt about the situation. For 15 minutes I was interrupted each time I attempted to clarify how I feel. I think I got 5 words out for the duration of the conversation.